Candice Elliott ~ Senior Editor

Candice Elliott is a substantial contributor to Listen Money Matters. She has been a personal finance writer since 2013 and has written extensively on student loan debt, investing, and credit. She has successfully navigated these areas in her own life and knows how to help others do the same. Candice has answered thousands of questions from the LMM community and spent countless hours doing research for hundreds of personal finance articles. She happily calls New Orleans, Louisiana home-the most fun city in the world.

21 Interesting Habits Of The Rich and Wealthy


Rich people have good habits that make them more successful, healthier, and smarter. Here are 21 interesting habits of rich people.

5 Questions: Debt Month

Debt Questions

Holiday spending hangovers make January a debt month for some of us so we are bringing you 5 questions on how to deal with debt.

All Things Gold

the gold standard

We talk a lot about investing but rarely about investing in gold. It’s time for that to change. This is all things gold, why and how to invest in gold.

Case Study: Andrews 3 Rental Properties 2.5 Years Later


We talk a lot about rental property and we speak from experience. We bought 3 rental properties and 2.5 years later, we’re spilling the tea.

Cha Ching! We Found the Easiest Ways to Get Free Money


There is no such thing as a free lunch but there is such a thing as free money. If you need some free money fast, we will show you where to get it with almost no effort. 

Controlling Spending for the Out of Control Person

out of control

Spending money is a hobby for some. But out of control spending has dire consequences. If you want to know how to stop spending money, we’ll show you how.

An Ultimate Guide To Earning Passive Income


It won’t happen overnight and you’ll need a few different irons in the fire, not the least of which is a variety of investments, but if you want to make some extra money, we’ll give you some of the best passive income ideas that we use to make money.

Buy Low, Sell High: How to Make Money With Retail Arbitrage on Amazon and Ebay

retail arbitrage amazon

Want to make a little money on the side? Like to hunt for good deals? You can use that old chestnut of ‘buy low sell high’ to your advantage. A ton of people make money selling on Amazon and eBay using retail arbitrage.  If you want to learn how to make money selling on Amazon we’ll teach you how to get started with retail arbitrage.

First Things First: How to Prioritize Your Financial Plan


We all need a financial plan. But there are so many aspects that it can be hard to know where to start. We’ll show you how to prioritize financial planning.

Diversifying Your Retirement With Alternative Assets


We talk about portfolio diversity to insulate from risk. But if you want to ramp up returns, consider diversifying your retirement with alternative assets.

10 Real Estate Investor Commandments


There are a lot of rules when it comes to real estate but there are ten that should never be broken. These are 10 real estate investor commandments.

Getting Schooled On Bonds

"Bonds should come with a warning label." —Warren Buffett

A few months ago we did an introduction to bonds episode. We wanted to get a little deeper into the topic and a listener, Eric, agreed to help us out.

Finances By The Decade: Move From Your Twenties to Retirement Seamlessly

"We all enjoy pushing oursevles to accomplish our objectives. But we don't need stress to get there." —Andrew J Bernstein

We tend to set certain bench marks by age. Personal finance is no different. What should you be doing for your personal finances by the decade?

How Peer to Peer Lending Works For Borrowers And Investors


Peer to peer lending is a great way for individual investors to make money and borrowers to save money.If you want to get in on it we’ll detail everything you need to know.

How To Spend Less Money: Become A Shopping Sniper

spend less

A shopping sniper knows what they want, gets it, and gets out. We’ll teach you a few tricks to become the shopping sniper with the most confirmed kills.

How The National Debt Actually Works


We hear a lot about the national debt but many of us don’t really know what it is or how it works. Today we will have an apolitical discussion on how the national debt actually works. 

How to Negotiate Anything with Daniel Green

how to negotiate dan green

Negotiating is a vital skill. For a job, a raise, to get to watch the game instead of The Real Housewives. Dan Green will teach us what we need to know.

How to Reduce Taxable Income With Advanced IRA Strategies

advanced IRA

Taxes are a big expense for most of us but there are plenty of ways to save. We’ll show you how to reduce your taxable income legally.

How To Retire: What To Do With Your Time And Money

how to retire

We spent years accumulating money for retirement, but when we finally get there what do you do. Learn how to retire and what to do with your time and money.

Investing In The Age Of Anxiety


Investing can spark a lot of fear and anxiety but to grow our wealth we have to do it. Investing in the age of anxiety is tough but we can do it.

Knowledge is Power: Why Knowledge Is More Valuable Than Money

knowledge is power

We are a podcast about money but even we believe there is something more valuable than money and that thing is knowledge. Knowledge is power: why knowledge is more valuable than money.

Lessons Learned Investing in Rental Properties

rental property lessons

Allison Karrels has been investing in rental properties for several years. She is back to explain lessons learned investing in rental properties.

Money Advice We Would Give Our Younger Selves

Money Advice We Would Give Our Younger Selves

We have made a lot of money mistakes and we’ll probably make more in the future. But looking back, this is the money advice we would give ourselves. 

Poof! Credit Card Debt Begone!

how to pay off credit card debt

Credit card debt will cripple you. But you can escape credit card hell. It won’t always be easy or fast, but if you take the right steps, you can do it.

Money Habits That Are Keeping Your Wallet Empty and How to Fix Them


It’s easy to fall into bad habits that hurt our financial goals. Here are ten bad money habits and ways to overcome them. How many are you guilty of?

Inside Betterment with Jon Stein

John Stein: C.E.O. of Betterment

LMM delivers the big names! Betterment CEO Jon Stein gives us a behind the scenes look at how the company operates and makes your money work for you.

Rent vs Buy? Figure Out What Option is Best for You

rent vs buy

We’ve all heard the cliché that if you’re renting, you’re wasting your money. But is that true? Is it better to rent or to buy?.

The Top 10 Worst Money Myths You Need to Forget

money myths

There is a lot of misinformation surrounding personal finance. We’ll debunk the top 10 personal finance myths.

The Ultimate Guide to American Personal Finance for New Immigrants

new immigrants

Matters of personal finance vary widely by country and for newcomers, they can be confusing. We want to help them navigate their new home so we wrote the ultimate guide to American personal finance for new immigrants. 

Understanding the Pros and Con of Dave Ramsey’s Investing Strategy


We break down Dave Ramsey’s controversial investment advice. Can we all retire millionaires as he promises? Today we find out.

Inflation vs Deflation and Why It Matters

inflation vs deflation

Inflation vs deflation and what benefits to knowing? We’ll explain the basics and what you need to know to make sure your money keeps pace.

How The Current Economy is Affecting Your Wallet


The media loves to talk about the economy in a broad sense but what does it mean for us individually? We’ll explain how the current economy is affecting your wallet. 

Inside Memphis Invest- Real Estate Investments Without The Mess

Memphis invest

We interview Chris Clothier to explain real estate investments without the mess. Collect the rent check while someone else does the dirty work!

How to Become a Freelance Writer and Quit Your Full-Time Job


If you are tired of your time and your income being tied together, you might have considered a career as a freelance writer. But can anyone actually make money writing? You can, and I do. I finally quit my full-time gig and now work for myself. I’ll show you how to become a freelance writer and quit your full-time job.

Bounce Back From a Market Correction With an Opportunity Fund


No one can predict the future but based on past events, a market correction is coming. You need to start preparing for a market correction with an opportunity fund. 

Cheap Date Night Ideas When You’re Trying to Stick to Your Budget


Dating can be expensive. But only if you’re not creative. If you do the same old thing every Friday night, not only are your dates expensive, they’re probably boring too. But we’re here to save your wallet and your relationship with tons of cheap date night ideas. 

Corporate Welfare: How Exactly Does It Affect Us As Americans


Welfare is a dirty word in America. Corporate welfare is the real dirty word though, x rated in fact. See just who gets the real welfare in America.

Digit Makes Paying Yourself First Easy And Automated

digit review

We are advocates of automating your finances and that includes automating saving money. But we don’t want saving to crimp your style. That’s why we love Digit. You can automate saving using Digit.

Hourly vs Salary: Advantages, Disadvantages and Opportunities


It can seem more prestigious to be in a salaried position, maybe more because of what it used to mean that because of what it means now. It used to mean white collar, benefits, an office. Some salaried positions still offer those things but they’re not automatic. In a battle of hourly vs salary, which prevails?

10 Easy Ways to Stop Wasting Money Right Now This Year


Money May continues. All of us have spending leaks, money we spend that we shouldn’t. Stop wasting money already!

Make that Money – Here Are The Highest Paying College Majors

Highest paying college majors

A college degree is expensive. If you’re going to spend the money you want a good ROI. These are some of the highest paying college majors.

Money Gift Ideas to Inspire Saving, Investing, and Entrepreneurship

money gift ideas

Every gift you give a child is a chance to inspire saving, investing, and entrepreneurship. These are some money gift ideas.

Roll Overs, Horse Races and Backdoor Roth IRA Strategy’s

backdoor roth ira

Yeah, backdoor Roth IRA sounds pretty badass – badass but complicated.  Many of us have tossed around the idea of having a traditions IRA or a Roth but what if you can have the best of both worlds? There are not many times in life that allow us to have our cake and also to eat it, but this is one of those times.

The Newbie’s Guide To Bitcoin and the Cryptocurrency Market

cryptocurrency market bitcoin

What even is cryptocurrency? Some kind of dog coins and bits of coins or something. I don’t know so if you don’t either, we can find out together because this episode is the newbie’s guide to the cryptocurrency market.

The Wisdom and Pitfalls of Zero APR Credit Cards


If you have credit card debt or are planning to make a large purchase soon, a 0 APR credit card can be a great tool to save money on interest charges.

Compound Interest: The 8th Wonder of the World


Compound interest is a double-edged sword. When it’s working for you, it’s your best friend. When it’s working against you, it’s your worst enemy. We’ll explain what compound interest is.

How to Make a Million Dollars: Lessons From Self-Made Millionaires

self made millionaires

We’ve had more than a few self-made millionaires on Listen Money Matters. They did it and you can too. Let’s see what we can learn from self-made millionaires on how to make a million dollars. 

How To Retire Early with Mr. Money Mustache

mr money mustache

No one wants to work forever and retirement at 65 isn’t good enough. Early retirement is the goal. If you want to learn how to retire early, keep reading.

How To Set Up Your Budget Categories With The 50:30:20 Rule


You already know that you have to have a budget. It’s basically Rule #1 when it comes to personal finance. If you don’t know exactly […]

8 Money Tips For Teens So Your Future Self Will Thank You


If you’re a teenager, you are in a very powerful position. Starting good money habits now will put you ahead for the rest of your life. Here are 8 money tips for teenagers.

Invest or Pay Off Debt? That is the Question.

invest or pay off debt

There are a lot of questions in personal finance but maybe the biggest is invest or pay off debt? That is the question today.

It’s Time For Some Financial Adulting


The future is creeping up on all of us. If you’ve been avoiding thinking about it, it’s time to get serious about retirement and your goals. Whether you think about the future or not, it’s happening. We know its hard but it’s time for some financial adulting.

Not Sure How to Buy Stocks? Our Beginners Guide to Getting Invested


You can let something like Betterment pick your stocks but if you’re ready to dabble on your own, we’ll teach you how to do the job yourself.

Passive Investing: Why It’s the Easiest Way to Build Wealth

books and blocks

Ready to start investing but not sure you have the time or knowledge? Passive investing is the answer. We’ll explain how to invest the hands-off way.

Ready to Learn How To Start Investing? We Think so.

how to start investing

We want to show you investing is not hard, anyone can do it and you can start investing with any amount money. The earlier you start, the better so we’ll explain the basics of how to start investing.

Should I Pay off My Mortgage Early (Simple Strategies for You This Year)?

pay-off mortgage-strategically

Mortage is usually our biggest debt. And we all know that debt is bad. But is all debt bad? Is paying off your mortgage quickly a good strategy?

Socially Responsible Investing: Invest In The World You Want to Live In

A leaf holding a water droplet.

What is socially responsible investing? It’s a method of investing that allows you to change the world around you and make money at the same time.

Tally Review: Pay Off Credit Card With The Stacking Method

Tally Review: Pay Off Credit Card With The Stacking Method

Credit card debt is an emergency. There is a right and wrong way to pay it off. Figuring out the best way can be tough though. That’s where Tally comes in.

The 7 Debtly Sins


Are you guilty of one of the seven debtly sins?  Find out how sinful you are and how to get out of debt and overcome consumerism once and for all. 

The Coffeehouse Portfolio: Caffeinate Your Investment Strategy

The Coffeehouse Portfolio: Caffeinate Your Investment Strategy

Investing is not as complicated as Wall Street would have you believe. Anyone reading this can become a successful investor. Part of successful investing is creating a portfolio that’s right for you, your age, your time horizon, and your financial goals. This is where investing gets complicated. Creating a portfolio from scratch takes a lot of research, time, and effort. But you don’t have to create one out of thin air. You can use the coffeehouse portfolio.

The Definition of Wealth: What It Really Means To Be Wealthy


The word wealthy is like the word happy, it means something different to everyone. What is wealth? What it really means to be wealthy is entirely up to you. 

5 Simple Rules That Will Help You Make Better Financial Decisions


There are a few simple rules of thumb you can apply to your personal finances. We know math is hard but the mathematics of investing are really straightforward.

Portfolio Diversification: Reduce Your Risk with This Investment Strategy

chess pieces

You’ve heard the term diversification, but you might not know what it means. It’s more complicated than merely owning stocks and bonds. Portfolio diversification isn’t just a financial advisor’s fancy term; it’s an integral part of any long-term investment strategy.

28 Tax Deductions You Didn’t Know You Could Write Off

tax deductions

Tax day is coming up fast, and you want to to take advantages of as many tax deductions as you can. You know the typical write-offs, but we found 28 tax deductions you didn’t know you could write off.

Total Money Makeover: Laying The Groundwork For A Healthy Financial Lifestyle

Total Money Makeover review

There is no question Dave Ramsey has helped people take control of their money. We wanted to see for ourselves how useful his advice is so we review his book Total Money Makeover.
Dave Ramsey believes changing your behavior is key. Total Money Makeover plan can work for anyone if they follow it closely.

Using Tax-Loss Harvesting to Improve Your Returns


Tax loss harvesting is a term you’ve probably heard but don’t know what it means. It may seem obscure, but it’s a good weapon to have in your investing arsenal. So just what the f**k is tax loss harvesting?

Warren Buffett Quotes: 37 Lessons from the Oracle of Omaha

Warren Buffet quotes

The Oracle of Omaha is a font of wisdom. He is perhaps the most successful investor in history. So he knows a lot of lessons we can all benefit from. Here are 22 life-changing lessons from Warren Buffett.

Wealthfront Review old

In this Wealthfront review, we’re going to break down the good and the bad and suggest where a Wealthfront investment account might fit into your overall investment portfolio.

What are Dividends and Should You Become a Dividend Aristocrat

what are dividends

What exactly are dividends and how do they work? When you invest in a company you get paid a portion of a company’s profits as a way to compensate you for your investment. These payments are called dividends and they are a form of passive income. 

What is an IPO? How They Work and Should You Invest In One


You’ve probably heard the term but might not know what it means. What is an IPO? We’ll explain how they work and whether you should invest in one. 

What Is The Difference Between An ETF Vs. Mutual Fund?


You need a quick and relatively foolproof method of investing. ETFs and mutual funds fit that bill. But is one better than the other? Is there any difference? We break down ETF vs. mutual fund.

What The F**k Are Stock Buybacks (And What Do They Mean For You)?


2018 has been a big year for stock buybacks. But what the f**k are stock buybacks and what do they mean for you? 

What to do After a Job Loss To Can Get back On Your Feet


The worst has happened. Whether their fault, your fault or nobodies fault, you lost your job. We don’t want to make a bad situation even worse by making big financial mistakes. This is what to do after a job loss so you can stay or get back on your feet quickly.

What to Do with Your Tax Refund: 10 Smart Ways to Spend It

tax returns

Did you get a tax refund? Maybe you’re wondering what to do with that tax refund. Learn some smart ways to spend your tax return money.

Budget Categories: Setting Them Up Without Losing Your Sanity

Budget categories

How detailed do you need to be with budget categories? Do you separate lunch from dinner or lump everything into a few areas? And which method is better?

Redefine Your Retirement: How to Retire Early and Live Life on Your Own Terms


Social security can be a relic of the past by the time Millennials reach the age of eligibility. We all need to take our retirement into our own hands. You don’t have to spend the whole prime of your life slaving for the man. The word retirement has many definitions, we’ll look at the new face of retirement.

How to Become a Profitable Person

Minecart full of gold coins

If you look at finances as if you were a business, would you be profitable? You run a profitable business, let’s focus on how to become a profitable person.

How to Pay off Debt Right Now Even If You’re a Lazy Person

pay off your debt

Most Americans have debt and it haunts them people for years. Just like tackling any other goal, you need a plan if you want to pay off your debt fast.

The Yield Curve Is Inverted And It’s Okay

Yield traffic sign

We’ve talked about bonds before but mostly just the basics. Now we feel like the time is right to go a bit deeper. We’re going to talk about yield curve.

Invest Wisely: Expert Insights on Choosing the Right Vanguard Funds

vanguard funds

If you read or listen to anything related to personal finance, you have heard of Vanguard Funds. But WTF are Vanguard Funds and why are they so popular?

Investing In Agriculture With Harvest Returns

Plants just sprouting out of the dirt

Investing in agriculture may not be on your radar yet but it should be. Investing in agriculture is a way to diversify your portfolio and invest ethically.

The 401K Loan: What You Need to Know about Using One This Year

401k loan

Your 401k is meant to fund your retirement. But you can withdraw money from it earlier. Is borrowing against your 401K ever a good idea?

What the F**k Are Annuities?


Annuities are not exactly transparent and neither are the people selling them. They are almost always a terrible investment and when we explain what the f**k are Annuities, you will understand why and stay far away from them. 

Why is it So Hard toGet Out of Poverty in America


The American Dream is built on the idea that anyone can get ahead but financial security is not a luxury within reach to any and all citizens.

The scariest 1%: Impact on Your Long-Term Finances

impact of fees

What’s a measly 1%? It’s a lot in terms of fees. We will show you the impact of fees in the long term. Fees can eat into your investments more than you realize and the impact of those fees in the long term can devastate your retirement term. 

The Cost of Money – Why You Should Refinance Your Debt


If you currently have debt there are ways to make it less expensive. Today we will discuss why you should refinance your debt.

Protecting Yourself From Credit Card Fraud and Identity Theft

Credit Card Fraud

Data breaches have been in the news recently and the headlines are scary. Today Farnoosh Torabi joins us to discuss protecting yourself from credit card fraud and identity theft.

The Highest Credit Score: What It Is and Easy Ways to Increase It Today

highest credit score

A credit score is a 3-digit number that ranges from 300-850. It’s used by financial companies to decide how likely you will pay back money they lent you.

The Three P’s of Success


Everyone wants to find success in their personal lives and their professional lives. We can achieve success in a simple way using the Three P’s of Success. 

Understanding Economic Bubbles

Economic Bubbles

 There are a lot of personal finance terms that are thrown around that many of us don’t really understand so when we hear them, we just nod and smile. But LMM is all about education so we’re going to devote this episode to understanding financial bubbles.

What is Bankruptcy? Your Complete Guide to Filing For Bankruptcy

A drowning person reaching out their hand for help.

What is bankruptcy? It’s one of the most serious financial decisions you can make. To help you navigate bankruptcy, we have your complete guide. 

What You Really Should You Be Doing With Your Discretionary Income


Got a few extra bucks in your pocket at the end of the month? Good for you but you need to use it well. This is what you really should be doing with your discretionary income.

From Zero to Real Estate Hero: Real Estate Investing For Dummies

real estate investing

Real estate investing has a place in every investment portfolio, even beginners. Here are key fundamentals to you get started.

The Best Real Estate Investments for Your Money This Year

dog in middle of street neighborhood

Looking for an investing opportunity outside the stock market? Real estate investing fits the bill. We’ll show you the best real estate investments.

6 Ways to Make Real Money With Passive Real Estate Investing


Want to make money through passive real estate investing? It takes less money and less time than you might imagine.

REIT Investing: An Exceptional Passive Income Stream?


Are you looking for a way to invest in real estate without all of the hassles of becoming a landlord? Then REIT investing might be just what you’re looking for. But what is REIT investing?

LLC vs S Corp: The Amazing Tax Benefits Of Having a Business

A woman with a tablet inside of a clothing store.

The two most expensive things in life are taxes and interest, and we want to avoid both. One of the best ways to avoid taxes is by starting a business. Today we will discuss LLC vs S Corp and the amazing tax benefits of having a business.

Master Your Money: The Roadmap to Reaching Financial Freedom Fast

financial freedom

To achieve financial independence you have to break down this goal into small, manageable pieces. Here is your roadmap for financial freedom.

Get Your Very Own Personal Finance Assistant: Our Trim Review

trim review

Do you ever wish you had a personal assistant to do things like find and cancel old gym memberships you don’t use or to negotiate a lower cable and internet bill for you? Well, now you have one. Read our Trim Review and see how they can go to work for you.

The Coronavirus Era: Financial Pointers for Conserving Your Cash


There are plenty of things to fear amid the coronavirus (or COVID-19 pandemic) and financial worries are probably at the top of the list. We can help calm those concerns for you with some personal finance tips to deal with the global pandemic.

Do You Need Help Paying Bills? Here’s What to Do This Year

holding hands

We are in an unprecedented situation. The coronavirus or COVID-19 is going to significantly impact the world economy, just how bad things are going to be, we can only speculate. But right now, things are already dire for some of you. If you need help paying bills or other forms of financial assistance, we’ve got a comprehensive list of resources.

How To Choose a Credit Card That Works For You


Are you looking for a credit card? We’ve done a ton of research on all kinds. Let us show you how to find the perfect credit card here.

11 Things You Should Never Pay For


That old saying that you get what you pay for isn’t always true. Sometimes there is such a thing as a free lunch. Here are 11 things you should never pay for.

Financial Infidelity Can Be Just As Devastating as Sexual Infidelity

financial infidelity

In the wake of the Ashley Madison hack, we explore another kind of infidelity, financial infidelity, which can be just as devastating as sexual infidelity.

22 Financial Mistakes You Are Making Right Now

financial mistakes

Financial mistakes, we’ve made a few. Hopefully not this many. These are 22 mistakes people make with their finances.

The Best Renters Insurance: 7 Amazing Companies This Year


Everyone should have renters insurance whether it’s required or not. We did all the research for you to make it easy for you to find the best renter’s insurance.

When Life Gives You Lemons, Lemonade Insurance Has Your Back

Lemon slices

Buying insurance is a necessary evil but there is a new company changing the rules. When life gives you lemons, Lemonade Insurance has your back.

How to Save Money: 23 Easy Ways To Start Saving Today

dollar bills in soil

Do you want to learn how to save money? We have 23 ways to save money that are pretty painless and easy to implement. Ready? Let’s get saving!

15 Moving Hacks That Will Definitely Save You Money

Guy carrying boxes to a van

Moving is one of life’s most stressful events and it can be expensive too. But these are moving hacks and tips that will definitely save you money.

The Pink Tax: Understanding and Combatting Unfair Gender Pricing

the pink tax

Only about half of us pay the pink tax. It’s the extra amount women pay for goods and services that are almost identical to the lower-priced male version.

Secret to Investment Success: How Ray Dalio’s All Weather Portfolio Works

The All Weather Portfolio and The Golden Butterfly

We’re putting two portfolios head to head. When it comes to the All Weather Portfolio versus the Golden Butterfly, which comes out on top?

Retirement Spending: How to Stretch Every Dollar and Live Comfortably

people at sunset

Most of us dream of retirement, sleeping in, no commute, all of our days will belong to us, and we can use them to do whatever we want. For those into the FIRE (Financial Independence, Retire Early) movement, retirement might be just around the corner. For those planning to retire at the traditional age of 65, it might be decades away.

How To Use a Credit Card Like A Responsible Adult

how to use a credit card

Used properly, a credit card can have all sorts of benefits. Used improperly, it can drag you into bankruptcy.  We’ll teach you how to use a credit card.

How to Fix Bad Credit and Get Back on Track

how to fix bad credit

The most expensive things in life are taxes and interest. If you don’t have a good credit score, life is expensive. Let us show you how to fix bad credit.

Financial Makeover: Transform Your Life with These Powerful Money Habits

better money habits

Good money habits just like good health habits should be built slowly, so you stick with them for your whole life. If you change one thing at a time you don’t even notice doing that thing anymore. Then you can move on to the next. Here are money habits to adopt today.

Should I Invest In Stocks? Getting Over The Fear Of Investing

fear of investing

Have you asked yourself, “Should I invest in stocks?” If you’re not investing, maybe fear is stopping you. We’ll help you overcome the fear of investing.

Save Thousands on Your Mortgage Using The HELOC Method


Adam Carroll joins us to discuss how to actually save thousands on your mortgage with home equity lines of credit.

Fun Cheap Date Ideas No Matter Where You Live

fun cheap date ideas

Dating can be expensive, but dinner and a movie gets expensive and boring pretty fast. Here are 16 inexpensive date ideas that you can do with your partner.

Let Go of Sunk Costs: A Guide to Making Better Financial Decisions

what is sunk cost

You’ve probably fallen victim to the sunk cost fallacy at some point. We explain what sunk costs are so you can avoid them.

Timing The Market: Exploring the Best Investment Strategies for Success


If you know personal finance you know the term timing the market. Is market timing is a good strategy or impossible to do?

Chase Credit Card Application Status: Check Yours By Doing This

man with mug

Still waiting to hear back from Chase? We’ll show you how to check your Chase credit card application status in minutes. Stop waiting by the phone.

Our 5 Step Guide to Turbocharge Your Savings for a House Today

A house with $100 bills wrapped around its base.

Are you thinking of buying a home? Ideally, you will have at least a 20% down payment. Here are some ways to save for a house fast.

Quicken Alternatives: Financial Software for Streamlined Money Management

quicken alternatives

Quicken is no longer the only game in town. This article uncovers 14 Quicken alternatives you can start using today. Simply put,  if you’re searching for exceptional accounting software that integrates into your money management system, you’ll enjoy this post.

Tipping 101: How Much Should You Tip Pizza Delivery, Movers, and Beyond


When did tipping become such a minefield? Who do you tip, how much, how often? We are going to sort it all out for you. We are giving you just the tips and will tell you how much to tip pizza delivery and everyone else.

Maximize Your Refund: FreeTaxUSA Review, Key Features and Benefits

Maximize Your Refund: FreeTaxUSA Review, Key Features and Benefits

There are a lot of programs to help you do your taxes so you want the best one. We take a look at FreeTaxUSA. Should you use FreeTaxUSA to file? Our review.

The Science Behind the 10,000 Hour Rule: Achieving Mastery in Anything


There is a lot of misinformation about the 10,000-hour rule theory of self-improvement and it turns out now all 10,000 hours are the same. We delve into the truth behind the 10,000-hour rule and show you how to become great at anything. 

Discovering the World on a Budget: 6 Steps to Traveling Cheaply and Comfortably


You can spend your money on expensive clothes and cars and gadgets, but you won’t even remember those things in ten years, never mind still own them. When you look back at your life, it’s the experiences you paid for that you will remember fondly, not the things you bought. By following these simple tips, you can expand your outlook on the world while not emptying your wallet.

Cheap Eats: Delicious Budget Meal Ideas for When Money’s Tight


Anyone can eat healthy food without killing their budget. Here are ideas for budget meals and what to eat when you’re strapped for cash.

Unlock the Power of the BRRRR Method to Build Your Real Estate Empire


We’ve covered many of the basics about rental property and now we’re going to go deeper. We will explain the BRRR strategy and how cash out deals work.

Start Getting Paid For The Things You Already Do – Our Swagbucks Review

swagbucks review

Looking to make some extra money on-line? Swagbucks is often talked about as a place to do it. Can you make money on Swagbucks?  Our Swagbucks review will answer that question.

Future of Work: Legit Work-From-Home Jobs You Can Start Today

work from home jobs

If you’re looking to work from home, there are seemingly dozens of choices. These are legitimate work from home jobs so you can start working from your couch.

Burnout: How To Douse the Flames

burnt out

A few months ago, we did a podcast on burnout, and it resonated with many of you. Because it seems to be an epidemic, we wanted to delve a little further.

15 Reasons You’re Broke and How To Change It

why im broke

Do you seem to never have any money at the end of the month but can’t figure out why? Here are 15 reasons you’re broke and how to change it.

Why You Should Follow The Four Gift Christmas Rule


If you feel like the holiday season is getting out of control or if you don’t have the money to spend, try the Four Gift Christmas Rule.

How To Actually Save Money on Christmas Gifts This Year


Now that we’ve crossed the Halloween threshold, the Christmas season is fast upon us. Here are a few ways to save money on Christmas gifts.

15 Thoughtful DIY Holiday Gifts Ideas Anyone Would Love

"If you want a thing done well, do it yourself." —Napoleon

Spend less, and be more thoughtful by making holiday gifts yourself. These are some of our favorite ideas for DIY holiday gifts. 

28 Simple Online Jobs for Teens That’ll Earn Them Real Money

online jobs for teens

Many of us had high school jobs whether we babysat on weekends or worked in a store or restaurant after school. Those sound old fashioned to today’s teens. These days they are turning to the internet to make money. We tracked 22 awesome online jobs for teens.

11 Excellent Jobs without a Degree You Can Start Right Now


The prospect of spending decades paying off student loan debt has made many people wary of college. Even if money isn’t an issue, college isn’t for everyone but a good job is. We found well-paying jobs without a degree.

Freelance Writing: How to Get Started Earning

freelance writing

Do you have a flair for words? Do you want to work in your pajamas? A freelance writing career can be very lucrative. I’ll show you how to get started.

A Good Credit Score Saves You Money and Here’s How [UPDATED]


Debt affects your credit score and makes life more expensive. We’ll show you the cost of debt and reasons you need a kick ass credit score.

Chase Credit Limit Increase: Actionable Tips to Score One Right Now

hot air balloon

Chase has some of the best credit cards available; travel rewards, cashback, and business credit cards. However, the credit limit you’re approved for may not be enough for your needs. If you’re in this position, we’ll show you how to score a Chase credit limit increase.

Bank Fees: How to Avoid Being Nickel and Dimed Right Now

A man pulling money out of his wallet.

Banks love to nickel and dime customers with bank fees. But we have more choice than ever regarding where we bank, making it easy to avoid bank fees.

Universal Basic Income: Is It Just Another Handout? [UPDATED]

universal basic income

Last week we spoke about the future of work when automation wipes out 47% of American jobs. That episode begs the question, will universal basic income be part of our future?

How To Buy A Business: Your Complete Checklist

How To Buy A Business

We often talk about how important it is to have at least one source of passive income. There are only so many hours in the day anyone can work, so we need a way to make money that is divorced from our time. Buying a business can be one way to do that. We’ve created a ‘how to buy a business’ checklist that guides you through the process.

Cool Jobs: 12 Outstanding Examples and How to Find Yours This Year

for hire sign

Do you want a cool job? There are plenty out there and we’ll show you how to find them. Let’s land the job of your dreams right now.

What Does Renter’s Insurance Cover Exactly and Do You Need It?

Room with furniture and objects flying in the air

You may have health, auto, and life insurance but do you have renter’s insurance? What exactly does renter’s insurance cover and do you need it?

Recession-Proof Stocks: Surviving Market Crashes and Global Pandemics

Recession-Proof Stocks: Surviving Market Crashes and Global Pandemics

Record plunges in the stock market, the NYSE hitting the kill switch, record unemployment numbers. It’s a scary time to be an investor; it’s a frightening time to be a person! But it can also be a great time to be an investor if you know what to invest in during a recession.

The Efficient Frontier: Is Your Portfolio Optimized Along Its Edge?

path in woods

Even those who consider all things personal finance, particularly all things investing, to be a hobby and speak all the related lingo fluently, may not be familiar with the name Harry Markowitz or the term efficient frontier. However, they may be familiar with the term Modern Portfolio Theory.

Key Factors to Finding the Perfect Rental Property Neighborhood

rental property neighborhood

The most important thing in real estate is location, location, location. Today we discuss the key factors to finding the perfect rental property neighborhood. 

Choosing The Best Rental Property Management Company

Keys on a ring

Owning rental property doesn’t have to mean being a hands on landlord. What you need to know when choosing the best rental property management company.

How To Get Rich Without Getting Lucky


We all want to get rich. If you want to know how to get rich without getting lucky, Twitter can teach you. We break down the Twitter thread that went viral.

Are Economic Boycotts a More Effective Way to Create Change?


Now that your vote counts for so little, people are turning to economic boycotting to influence corporate and political policy. But does it work?

The Easiest Way to Practice Travel Hacking with Credit Cards


Traveling can be expensive but you can hack the cost. These are the easiest ways to practice travel hacking with credit cards. 

The Best Apps To Make Money Fast


In the past, if you wanted to make some extra money, you’d take a part-time job or maybe do something like babysit or mow lawns. But making money in those ways meant that you had to be on someone else’s schedule which wasn’t always convenient when you already had a regular job and other responsibilities.

Credit Union vs. Bank: Which One is Better For Your Money


When it comes to storing your cash, you have three choices, under the mattress, a credit union, or a bank. Don’t do the first one. That leaves us with credit union vs bank, which one is better for your money?

Finally Get Paid For Your Opinion: Survey Junkie Review

survey junkie review

Do you have lots of opinions? You can get paid for sharing them at Survey Junkie. But is it worth it? Find out in our Survey Junkie review.

The Hidden Costs of Buying a House

buying a house

If you’re sick of renting, you might be considering a home purchase. After all, mortgages tend to be cheaper than paying rent — so why doesn’t everyone just stop renting and buy a home? The truth is that buying a house isn’t just a matter of paying the mortgage every month. There are all kinds of hidden costs of buying a home.

Rewired Not Retired – How to Engineer The Life You Love

Burning match

We dream of FIRE but aren’t sure how to get there. Early retirement is different to traditional retirement. Learn how to be rewired not retired.

Start Making More Money: Here Are Online Jobs Ideas For Everyone

online jobs

Tired of commuting, annoying coworkers, and being stuck in a cube all day? If the answer is yes, an online job might be just the solution you’re looking for. We checked out dozens and found the best online jobs for everyone. 

Financial Intervention: What to Do When Things Are Dire

bicyclists at sunset

Do you know someone who has a spending problem? An intervention might be required. We’ll explain what you should know to stage a financial intervention.

Money Lending To Family And Friends

"Never a borrower nor a lender be." —William Shakespeare

Thinking about lending money? We’ll wade into the mine field of money lending to family and friends.

The Road to a Simple Life: Minimalist Living Without Going Overboard


Minimalist living isn’t a new trend, it has been with us for centuries. So why is it making a comeback these days? Here is your guide to minimalist living without going overboard.

Owning Rental Property: Avoid Costly Mistakes by Following this Strategy

owning rental property

Owning rental property is an excellent source of passive income. When done correctly, you can live off the cash flow provided by your renters. This post details how to manage your real estate investment with ease. Simply put, if you want to build wealth through real estate investing, this post shows you how.

Mother’s Day Money Special

A mother

It’s Mother’s Day. Matt and Andrew interview their mom’s to find out what financial lessons they’ve learned.

The Biggest Financial Mistakes People Make and How to Fix Them


We all make mistakes but financial mistakes can be especially costly. These are the biggest financial mistakes people make and how to fix them. 

How to Make Some Real Money in College

College tuition

College has become so expensive that it’s nearly impossible to pay for it without loans. But the more loans you take out, the more debt you graduate with. We’ll show you how to make money in college.

Share The Gift Of Financial Literacy

"Every gift from a friend is a wish for your happiness." —Richard Bach

This holiday season, don’t buy your loved ones more stuff they’ll toss in a closet. Give a gift that lasts a lifetime; share the gift of financial literacy.

How to Research Stocks with Patrick Kenneally

Patrick Kenneally

Interested in purchasing individual stocks? Listener Patrick Kenneally teaches us how to research stocks.

Honey Review: Save On Everything You Buy Online With Honey

Bee crawling on a hive honeycomb

What if we tell you there is a fast, easy way to find coupon codes that doesn’t require any effort on your part? Ready to save some money on your next online shopping excursion? Read our Honey review.

21 Of The Best Educational Podcasts To Listen To Every Week


Podcasts are a wonderful way to learn new things and if you find the right one, to be wildly entertained. If you’re ready to binge listen, we found 23 of the best educational podcasts to listen to every week.

Andrew’s Lending Club Strategy

"Lend yourself to others, but give yourself to yourself." —Michel de Montaigne

We check in with Andrew’s Lending Club strategy to find out if he’s making any money and if it might be a good investment for the rest of us.

Econ 101: Inflation and the Economy

Econ 101: Inflation and the Economy

Our listener Eric has made an appearance in the past to school us on bonds. Today he’s back to teach us about inflation.

Here Are The Best First Credit Cards To Start Building Credit


If you’re shopping for your first credit card and feeling overwhelmed by all this, don’t worry, we gotchu. These are the best first credit cards.

Learning How to Conquer Lifestyle Creep

lifestyle creep

Lifestyle creep can show itself in many forms and start, then spiral out of control. Recognizing it is the first step to conquering it.

Student Loan Forgiveness: The Complete 2018 Guide

studen loan forgivness

Millions of Americans struggle with student loan debt but some of that struggle might be unnecessary. THat got your attention! Read on and see if you are one of the lucky ones with our student loan forgiveness: the complete 2018 guide.

The One Percent Rule – Getting Down With Real Estate Investing Math

real estate math

LMM has been on a real estate kick lately. It can be a great source of passive income. If you are considering it, here’s what you need to know about the one percent rule when buying a rental.

Where To Get The Best Refinance Rates On Your Student Loans


If you’re struggling with student loan debt, refinancing can help. We’ll show you where to get the best refinance rates on your student loans.

Credit Cards For People With No Credit

Setting up stacks of coins with tiny Monopoly game house pieces sitting on top.

A credit card can be a great tool. But when you don’t have a credit history, it’s hard to get one. These are the 6 best credit cards for people with no credit.

How To Handle Your Student Loans Like A Pro

Graduate sinking underwater

Millions of us have student loan debt and it hampers our progress towards financial independence. Let’s get rid of it! We’ll teach you how to handle your student loans like a pro. 

How Money Inequality Is Hurting Your Relationship Right Now

money inequality relationships

Money is a big point of contention for a lot of couples. We think of two people who are both scraping by and lack of money is a point of stress.

Money is a Big Stressor in a Relationship But it Doesn’t Have To Be.


Relationships are hard enough as it is without talking about finances. So we’re gonna lay it down about how to handle money in a relationship.

How Exactly Does Peer to Peer Lending Work?

How Exactly Does Peer to Peer Lending Work?

Wondering how does peer to peer lending work? We’ll explain what you need to know and give you the rundown on some of the best peer to peer lending sites.

Ten Year Plan For A Remarkable Life With Matthew Kent


If you want to achieve not just a few resolutions but a remarkable life, you need to embrace the idea of creating the ten-year plan.

The Smart Way to Buy Property


Buying a house is a part of the American Dream, a mark of adulthood. But there are a lot of misconceptions about it. This is the smart way to buy property.

The Science of Buying Happiness


Can money buy happiness? According to science, it can. We’ll investigate the science of buying happiness. 

Ibotta Review: Get Cash, Not Coupons

ibotta review

Do you want to save money? Of course. Do you want to clip coupons? Of course not. We found a way to save money without fussing around with coupons. Read our Ibotta review to find out how. 

Zero to Fire Using Airbnb


Most are familiar with Airbnb. It’s a hit with travelers. And Airbnb is the most profitable way to make money in the gig economy.

How to Make Extra Money Renting Your Home Through Airbnb


If you want to make some extra money, renting your home through Airbnb is a great way to do it. Here’s what you need to know.

How Wills and Trusts Work, and Where to Start


We’ll explain what a trust fund is, who needs one, if you need a will too, and how to set up a trust.

Is There Such A Thing As Being Too Frugal?


Being frugal is a good thing. But frugality can be taken too far and sometimes even cost you more in the long run. Walk the fine line without crossing over.

Valentine’s Day Ideas That Will Save You Money

valentines day ideas

You can spend big bucks impressing your special someone on Valentine’s Day or you can use my bootleg methods to save some cash while still getting some. These are Valentine’s Day ideas that will save you money.

Take Control Of Your Job Hunt: Here’s How To Find A Job You Love

job hunt adrian larssen

Looking for a job can be a full time job itself. Today we interview Adrian Larssen to learn how to take control of the job hunt process.

The Tipping Point- How Much Should You Tip?


Tipping was once reserved for places like restaurants and 15% was considered sufficient. Now everyone wants a tip and 15% is a relic. Has it gone too far?

You Need A Savings Plan – Save $5 A Day, $100 A Week, $500 A Month

savings plan

We know, saving is hard. Here are ways to save $5 a day, $100 a week, and even $500 a month. It’s about time you start a savings plan.

The Best Ways to Invest in Yourself

invest in yourself

We talk to you all the time about investing money. But money isn’t everything. If you invest in yourself, you can earn returns that will last your lifetime. 

It Turns Out Some Happiness Can Be Bought

can money buy happiness

We’ve all been told that money can’t buy happiness. But is that true? It depends on your definition of happiness. It turns out some happiness can be bought.

Lifestyle Business vs. Growth-Minded Business

Lifestyle Businness

If you want to start a business what kind do you want it to be? There are two competing business philosophies: lifestyle business vs. growth-minded business.

The Debt Free, One Year College Alternative At MissionU


We’re very excited to have found this guess and bring him to you. Today we’re joined by the founder of MissionU, Adam Braun, to discuss the debt free, one year college alternative. 

Seven Financial Relationship Red Flags

relationship red flags

We all have dating red flags and if we spot one, bail before getting in too deep. Financial relationship red flags take longer to spot. Be vigilant.

Cheap Meals: Good Food On A Tight Budget

cheap meals

Looking for a way to make cheap meals that hit the spot? Here is our ultimate guide to saving money on groceries and making good food on a tight budget.

Don’t Go Down With the Ship: Have a Sinking Fund


You probably know what an emergency fund is but do you know what a sinking fund is? A sinking fund is just as important as an emergency fund. We will tell you what it is, what it’s for, and how to build one. You don’t have to go down with the ship if you have a sinking fund.

Six Financial Fears And How To Overcome Them

financial fears

Are financial fears keeping you awake at night? We all worry about money but there are steps we can take to make sure our worst financial fears don’t come true. These are six financial fears and how to overcome them. 

Understanding Rental Property Depreciation and Taxes


Rental property is one of the best ways to make money. Avoiding taxes is another. Today we discuss understanding rental property depreciation, taxes and other fun stuff.

Selling Wholesale On Amazon With Edward Lichstein


Ever wonder how to people make money selling wholesale on Amazon? Andrew trawled Quora and found someone to teach us how to do it.

The High Cost of Being Poor


Being poor comes with special costs that higher earning people often don’t face. If you’re going to be poor in America, you better have money.

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