Save That Money: How to Save Money Fast and Automate It


Saving money can be hard and sometimes it feels like you’ll never get ahead. But saving money doesn’t have to be hard. We will show you how to save money fast and automate it to make the process easier and less painful.

The Cost of Materialism: How the Pursuit of Possessions is Holding You Back


Do you hate your job and your life? Do you have a house full of stuff? Your materialistic lifestyle is killing you.

The Importance of Having an Emergency Fund

emergency fund

Your future self will you for establishing an emergency fund now. It’s important to set aside emergency savings can help you get in case your home needs an urgent repair or something more serious like unemployment. We will help you figure out how much you need and how to get an emergency fund started.

YNAB Review and Chat with Founder Jesse Mecham


The importance of budgeting can’t be overstated. Today we talk to the king of budgeting tools, Jesse Mecham of You Need a Budget.

Boost Your Finances: 24 Tips for Low-Income Earners

Book "Damn Good Advice (for people with talent!)" by George Lois

Much financial advice is aimed at those making good money leaving the rest of us behind. We want to fix that with 24 financial tips for low-income earners.

Controlling Spending for the Out of Control Person

out of control

Spending money is a hobby for some. But out of control spending has dire consequences. If you want to know how to stop spending money, we’ll show you how.

3 Reasons Why You Suck with Money

"...Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything." —George Bernard Shaw

There are 3 common themes when people suck with money. We cover all 3 and give actionable solutions so you can fix your problems.

How To Spend Less Money: Become A Shopping Sniper

spend less

A shopping sniper knows what they want, gets it, and gets out. We’ll teach you a few tricks to become the shopping sniper with the most confirmed kills.

Money Habits That Are Keeping Your Wallet Empty and How to Fix Them


It’s easy to fall into bad habits that hurt our financial goals. Here are ten bad money habits and ways to overcome them. How many are you guilty of?

The Top 10 Worst Money Myths You Need to Forget

money myths

There is a lot of misinformation surrounding personal finance. We’ll debunk the top 10 personal finance myths.

Cheap Date Night Ideas When You’re Trying to Stick to Your Budget


Dating can be expensive. But only if you’re not creative. If you do the same old thing every Friday night, not only are your dates expensive, they’re probably boring too. But we’re here to save your wallet and your relationship with tons of cheap date night ideas. 

Digit Makes Paying Yourself First Easy And Automated

digit review

We are advocates of automating your finances and that includes automating saving money. But we don’t want saving to crimp your style. That’s why we love Digit. You can automate saving using Digit.

10 Easy Ways to Stop Wasting Money Right Now This Year


Money May continues. All of us have spending leaks, money we spend that we shouldn’t. Stop wasting money already!

Money Matters so Pay Attention!

Ben Franklin from the $100 bill

You don’t need to be a math genius to handle your money matters and build wealth. It takes a bit of common sense, the will to learn and self control.

Navigating Interest Rates in a Recession, What Happens, and What Not to Do

stock prices

Worried we’re heading towards a recession? We have something to help you through it. Read our dos and don’ts during a recession before you make any moves.

8 Money Tips For Teens So Your Future Self Will Thank You


If you’re a teenager, you are in a very powerful position. Starting good money habits now will put you ahead for the rest of your life. Here are 8 money tips for teenagers.

Spending Leaks: Plug Yours and Stop Hemorrhaging Cash [Updated]

plug spending leaks

Are you wasting money? You need to plug your spending leaks! We’ll show you where your leaks are and how to stop hemorrhaging money.

What to Do with Your Tax Refund: 10 Smart Ways to Spend It

tax returns

Did you get a tax refund? Maybe you’re wondering what to do with that tax refund. Learn some smart ways to spend your tax return money.

Budget Categories: Setting Them Up Without Losing Your Sanity

Budget categories

How detailed do you need to be with budget categories? Do you separate lunch from dinner or lump everything into a few areas? And which method is better?

How To Stop Spending Money and Save Money With The Refrigerator Method


Almost 50% of Americans cannot come up with $400 if they needed it urgently. 1 in 3 Americans has $0 saved for retirement. It’s clear, we’re way better at spending money then we are saving leaving too many American households living paycheck to paycheck with close to nothing saved for the future.

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