103: Ways to Save Money at Home

This is part of the Cutting Living Expenses course.

Cutting Living Expenses

We all want to help stretch our family’s hard-earned dollars just a little further each month. There are actually a lot of easy ways to get more cash back into your pockets. No, we are not going to tell you eat ramen everyday and make your own soap but there are plenty of ways to save that are sitting right under our roofs. We’ll share some simple savings tips that could save you hundreds of dollars a year.

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Lesson 1: Slash Your First Apartment Costs: 9 Easy Tips

Moving into your first place is exciting and daunting at the same time. There is so much you need. For most of us, that need has to be balanced with a limited budget, both in furnishing your place and living there. Here are some first apartment tips that will help you save money.

Lesson 2: How To Spend Less Money: The Ultimate Course for Becoming A Shopping Sniper

A 2,000 word training manual that will walk you through becoming a Shopping Sniper, allowing you to save more money & focus on what's important.

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