Help us level the playing field when it comes to financial education. Let’s banish the days that credit card companies report record profits off of our backs. No one should be unable to retire due to a lack of investing knowledge.
We’ve created nearly 200 hours of FREE financial information that discusses core concepts, philosophical approaches, interviews experts, analyzes our personal decisions and even interviews millionaires.
We also write articles regularly and organize them to provide the help we wish we had when we were starting out.
If this resonates with you, we could absolutely use your help.
The first step is choosing to be part of the conversation – to do this you can subscribe. We also share special stuff with subscribers and they have the opportunity to be included in exclusive beta opportunities for the things we’re working on.
If you have time to spare and want to help the cause, email us and let us know how you’d like to help. Think you’ve got the chops to help mentor people in your area of expertise? Be sure to mention that!
Particularly awesome people donate to show their love. If what we’ve created has helped you with your finances, paying it forward allows us to keep creating things at the same break-neck pace you’ve come to expect. Your support means the world to us!
IMPORTANT: If you’re in credit card debt then your donations are not welcome here, take what you’d share with us and pay down those cards (and then tell us about it)!